
Live Band Experience

Sam Stokes

& the Sunfires

There is nothing quite like the live trio that is Sam Stokes & the Sunfires. The band is comprised of Sam Stokes, legendary bass player Karl Vincent and 2-time Grammy winning drummer MB Gordy.

When they play, they take the songs to an elevated level that is powerful, engaging and a sound that is brand new.

Catch some of their live shows around Los Angeles and see who they might invite on stage to sit in with them.


The Tale of Gaia

This EP - currently in production - is an exploration of Mother Earth and what she thinks of humans.

It is a conversation with the very soil you are standing on as you read these words. It is a question of what it means to be human in a time when the Earth is asking us to listen to her.

It has more questions than answers.

It is full of hope.


Common Ground

Sam Stokes’ album Common Ground, was recorded from home in a very fundamental moment in her journey to self discovery.

The recorded album is an intimate window into the moment a soul fully awakens within its body. It is the moment when Stokes connected the dots of all that which surrounds her, all that has come before her and the beauty within life itself.

This album is best enjoyed alone on a long car ride, over a cup of tea or peacefully at the beach as the sun fades into the horizon.