June: Rainbow Moon

June: Rainbow Moon

Date: 2024

A rainbow moon seems impossible doesn't it? 

Some peculiar fantasy. 

Something strange, otherworldly.

A dream only a dreamer can see. 

And yet, it exists enough for the dreamer to see it and  paint that dream into manifested reality. 

Rainbow Moon symbolizes the dream realized.

How to get there? 






The love for the dream makes the dream clearer. The fairies and the elves and all of the sparkles make invisible colors bright and vibrant. 

May the dreamers remind all to believe in their own

Rainbow Moon

With light and love,

Sam Stokes

Journal Prompt

What is your Rainbow Moon? A dream, a vision, an idea you can see, you just have to pluck it from the sky and make it your reality? 

Who can you talk to about your Rainbow Moon? Do others see what you see when you paint the picture? 

A Rainbow Moon can always change throughout life, what is a Rainbow Moon from your past that you brought into reality before? 

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